Monday 20th
Enjoyable concert at Azé with a large choir and good acoustics in the church. Went on to Dindon – but took a wrong turn and although we travelled through gorgeous countryside, it made us very late for dinner. Anyway, it was an enjoyable evening, if a late one.
This morning I spent making a huge effort in the garden weeding and tidying up. I was exhausted by lunchtime. When I start, it’s hard to stop. A great harvest too!
Sunday 19th
Another cool day but the sun is shining. On a lap around the garden this morning, raspberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries need picking again and there is a huge round courgette/zucchini which I guess will end up having to be stuffed! Lots of green beet leaves, and the haricots are flowering which means there will be beans in no time!
A friend from a nearby village will visit this morning, so I have asked her to bring her ice cream maker so I can use up some of my fruit and have instant sorbets or ice cream in the freezer to use when we feel like it.
Maybe I will get some vines tied up today. This evening at 5pm we plan to go to a choral concert in an 11th century church in Azé, and it should be over in time to go to dinner afterwards at a friends house.
We had a big clean up this morning in what we call the garage part of our house – it’s a large area in the barn under where we live. In case it rains next Saturday for our “fêtes de voisins” (street party) we need to be able to put up long tables under cover. The long term forecast says it will be sunny, so fingers crossed.
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