Wednesday, 6th July 2011
We’ll have to keep eating those haricot beans – masses of them. I got up early this morning to water the garden, only to see drops of rain on the skylights about half an hour later! However, just as well I watered, as it was only a few drops. It’s over-clouded and humid.
Everywhere dry – the food in the forests must have run out, as yesterday we saw a young deer grazing in the field close to our house, they only appear if they are desperate for food.
Our neighbour’s chickens seem to have moved into our garden, they do a great job eating bugs and love our compost heap where the make a terrible mess. However, they also eat the lettuce which makes me cranky. We were at a neighbour’s house for dinner last night and when we came home I found eggs and a couple of lettuces on the galerie. I think it must be the neighbour who owns the hen and chicks!!
I spent some time yesterday trimming the vines, and doing the odd bit of weeding, although the ground is very hard. It was too hot to work for long. Will have to get the hoe out again. Most of the fruit is finished except for a few gooseberries and the figs. The freezer is packed with fruit, and I hope to make some ice cream later today.
This morning I will go for a walk around the valley with a friend, then into Macon to do some shopping in the sales, to see if we can get anything for the children. This evening I give a neighbour an English lesson. Tomorrow a morning of felting…. with another friend, and people for aperitif in the evening. The weekend hopefully will be quiet.
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