06 June 2012

Rainy days around the house

Wednesday June 6:  Its raining again, so this is a good day to vacuum up all those dead flies, disturb the daddy long legs and their intricate webs and of course update blog.

On Monday I planted chard, aubergine, cucumber and courgette, and hopefully this rain will help them to establish. 

 Weather is very mixed here.  When we returned from Ireland on Thursday evening, we had 3 beautiful, stunning days, then during the night on Saturday a massive storm woke us up.  Thunder, with noisy hail clattering on the skylights and lightning flashes crashing around the valley.   Sunday, grey and rainy.  We tried an outing to an exhibition in the grounds of a Chateau, but everything was too wet and muddy, so returned here to have a restful day reading and a few chores, made some bread and some tapinade and managed a short walk between the showers.
The garden here is beautiful at the moment - I have never seen anything like the roses, the bushes are weighed down with huge beautiful flowers.   The fig tree is suddenly shooting out leaves.  I was scared that it was dead - it must have really suffered in the very severe winter here. It’s an opportunity to give it a good pruning.
My salad plants are doing well, and first beans are up. Tomatoe plants are flowering and look good and strong.  Raspberries just changing colour, we were able to eat a few yesterday.
I am enjoying cooking again - amazing how different it is here, always interesting to have a change. I made some elderflower juice yesterday, again the bushes are laden, and it’s so pleasant, fresh and lemony to drink

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