We are starting to organize our suitcases
for our trip to the Norwegian fiords and the Arctic
circle. Lots of thermals, woollies, and large ‘Muck’
boots. Our papers and details of the
voyage have arrived, and it looks very exciting and beautiful.
A long walk is planned on Sunday next - we
will take part as usual in the randonné at Jalogny, hoping to build up our
fitness for climbing into and out of zodiacs, kayaking and walking on ice and
Aussie visitors will come on Sunday night,
and then the week will fly by with many things to tick off before we
leave. Including our Fête des voisins,
our street party, at lunch time on 20th. Richard and Fiona Campbell will arrive from
London on Saturday evening we expect, and will stay on in our house while we
are away. We leave for Paris on the Sunday, and a chartered flight will pick us
up on Monday to take us to Bergen for boarding where the voyage begins.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
It is a beautiful summer’s day here in
Southern Burgundy, warm with a soft breeze, and a delight to be outside working
in my favourite spot in the courtyard, on the ancient flagstone table where I
was inspired to write Claudette’s story.
We have just finished the French version,
and what a challenge it was. When I say
we, I mean with Rachel’s wonderful help.
I learnt a great deal about the differences in French and English,
punctuation, gender, formalities, and completely different ways of telling a
However, it's done, and I feel a great sense
of achievement. Of course the locals
recognize Rosemary’s wonderful illustrations, and are waiting to be able to get
a copy in their hands. The bookshop in
Cluny will stock it, I hope both French and English versions.
It is also a great relief that the English
version is available on Book Depository with free postage world wide!

It is hot and dry at the moment, so we walk
early in the morning and hide in the shade or inside in the afternoons.

I went for a 3 hour walk yesterday with
Katia, mostly through shady woods, but a
wonderful walk, and for me a 3 hour informal French lesson! I really love our Wednesday morning
In the evening there was the
breathing/relaxation/stretching course at the Mairie, run by kind neighbor
Fabienne, so a great day of exercise. It
was John’s turn for cooking dinner, so I was ready for the delicious curry he

Weather was very volatile when we first
arrived, but we were able to sit out of doors for our meals lapping up
the sun and warm breeze, and using the good gardening weather. Now with the warm weather it means starting
the watering discipline again. Which means I had better get out there now
and do some weeding… and trimming….
What good neighbours we have. A week or so ago when I was working at the
bottom of the garden in the “jungle” starting to clear tall grass, weeds and blackberries,
my neighbor across the road appeared with his whipper snipper and asked whether
I would like him to clear it for me.
Yes, please, please I said very happily.
10 mintues later it was all done, it would have taken me days, and I was
very content to clear the last traces of brambles and weeds, and managed to
fill a whole wheelbarrow!
When I went inside John was in great
pain. He has been suffering from back
pain with a pinched vertebrae. What could we do – it’s a public holiday and getting help would be difficult and
impracticable. So I went across the road
to ask the advice of our neighbor Fabienne – with the kind husband Patrick who
had used his whipper snipper so beautifullyl .
Fabienne brought me inside and said we will call Lucia – another neighbor
2 houses down the road who is a physiotherapist. Again I was reluctant to call her because of
the public holiday, but Fabienne said, we must! 15 minutes later Lucia walked up the road
and helped John, she managed to release the pinching and gave him lots of help on exercises and treatment, including freezer block against the
back once an hour for 5 minutes across the spine.
Monday 26th May: We are planning
to go to Marseille tomorrow, a 4 hour drive, but I guess we will be stopping frequently, Lucia said every
petrol station you pass, buy a cold drink from the fridge and hold it against
your back for 5 minutes and you’ll get there!!!

I have just finished a pair of socks,
knitting a more complicated patterned pair at the moment, weaving a beret and
knitting a pair of slippers for relaxation.
So better get on, always lots to do.
The wildflowers are wonderful.
Trip to Marseille:
400km trip south was pretty smooth, stopping
once for a refresher. The service
stations on the autoroute are so impressive.
A supermarket with salads and sandwiches, and frozen foods with
microwave nearby to heat your choice for eating! A fab piano and possibility of making video
of yourself playing and entering a competition across the service stations in
France!! John had a massage in a
massage chair, and we felt thoroughly refreshed before moving on. The temperature was creeping up as we went
south, but to dampen it down a bit, the mistral was in full strength, and
bringing a real chill with it.
It was a challenge to find the hotel in the
narrow and crowded streets of this teaming city, no parking - so we caused a traffic jam as we unloaded our
bags and I went inside, while John continued on the torturous route to find the
car park. I wondered if I would ever see him again!! Glad we don’t have to do
that too often.
When we had recovered, we took the metro to
the old port, and walked and walked until we were weary. We were forced to stop
for a beer as it was the end of the afternoon anyway, and happy hour two glasses for the price of one!!
We strolled around a bit and found a very
pleasant restaurant where I had bouillabaisse – but with half a lobster, and
John had a menu, I forget what, all washed down with a pleasant Côte de Provence.
Next morning we visited the History Museum,
which was terrific. We spent several
happy and interesting hours there. Today
we have booked a cruise around the coast to view the Callanques, a particular
part of the coast which is now a national park and its ecosystem
preserved. We will take our new
binoculars and try them out. I will
take my seasickness tablets and try them out, ha ha! In the morning we will visit the fish
market, and the history museum and hopefully enjoy the cruise in the afternoon
if the sea is not too rough. Hope to do
a bus tour tomorrow. The cruise was very
pleasant, but I was glad I had taken a motion sickness tablet as it was a bit
rough at times. However, when we nosed
into the coast and into each callanque, it was calm, sheltered and
Our next stop was MuCem, a new museum of
Mediterranean Civilisation. All very interesting, but not very well organized. The material content was very good, but the
administration really lacking.
I have posted a series of photos from Marseilles, the garden and other places at the bottom of this blog.

Of course we left the next morning loaded up
with plants and cuttings, assisted by Lindy’s shared cat, Arthur.
How lovely to find Tony and Allayne Eastley welcoming us when we arrived here after our long flight from Australia. The courtyard was weeded - they managed to fill two wheel barrows - and a gorgeous meal prepared to enjoy together. Wish we could arrange it every year!
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A walk in the forest |
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Locals |
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Roses and flax plant with blue flowers |
yarn bombing |
A knitted landscape |
Walk with Katia |
Roses - so beautiful this year |
This how we spend our evenings after dinner |
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Never know what we will find tucked into the walls! |
First skein this year on wind wheel |
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