06 June 2012

This will be a post of photographs - images of where we have been and of our village and garden.

Starting off with Monksgrange house and garden:


St Finbarres

Otter - feeding and playing

The weir on River Lee.

Kilshannig church and Lombardstown

Kilshanning churchyard

Gortroe pub
Our very kind helpers at the
post office in Lombardstown.

Front door arch 


Brook Lodge with Salt House

Ballyglunin station 

 Mallow and Kilshannig

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Burial register

Lombard tomb Kilshannig

Irish countryside on the way to Puckane and Kildiernan

Holiday house Puckane

Kildiernan church with grave in background

1 comment :

Dianne said...

Stunning photos, Jean. Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

Dianne and Ross